7800N : iproute2 file.

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7800N : iproute2 file.

Post by KuroSaru »

Id like to add load-balancing for downloads via the 7800N, i know support here and many will say "due to hardware limitations this is not possible" this is not true.

the only thing that prevent a advanced user for implementing load-balancing via the 7800N is the complete and utter lack of a /etc/iproute2/rt_tables.

so id like to make the following request.

1: add /proc/iproute2/rt_tables
..... mkdir /proc/iproute2
..... echo ##IPRoute2 >> /proc/iproute2/rt_tables

2: symlink /etc/iproute2 to /proc/iproute2
..... ln -s /etc/iproute2 /proc/iproute2

As /proc is editable. this is all that would be required for advanced users to implement load-balancing how and as they see fit.
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