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The Latest Firmware 2.52.d3 Very Happy

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:55 pm
by Radiocrazy
Well I thought for a change rather then have a moan I would give credit where credit was due, I am very pleased and appreciate the hard work Billion has achieved with the new firmware, no other firmware version has given me this amount of up-time, it has also solved my iPhone WiFi disconnections.
I must point out that my phone line is what I would technically classed as crap it’s long and this makes the router even more impressive.
Thank you Billion



Re: The Latest Firmware 2.52.d3 Very Happy

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:19 am
by gatekeeper
Interesting. Thanks for posting this data, Radiocrazy. Been wondering myself for a long time whether to upgrade to an 8900-AX2400 but must admit have been put off in the last six months by several reports of issues with the firmware.

I consider that the line I'm on at present is long and noisy too. 'Long' in my case is 3.3km cable-route to the exchange, 750 metres to the street cabinet. I'm still on ADSL but have a vague idea as to the sort of performance I'd get on VDSL and, based on your data, I reckon my VDSL speed would turn out similar to, or slightly worse than, yours.

I see that your connection, running with firmware 2.52.d3, has been up for some 15 days.

For me, I'm curious as to what you yourself mean by 'long'. And the data you've provided raises some questions:-

1. You say that your phoneline is technically poor and is 'long'. In your case, what is 'long'? And do you mean between yourself and the street cabinet, or between yourself and the exchange? How many metres are there between yourself and the cabinet, cable-route-wise? Clearly, it's that that matters, since it's the copper loop that's going to be affected by noise, crosstalk, and attenuation.

2. From your data, I see that there's apparently no attenuation on Upstream. Since that's impossible, does this not indicate that the firmware either isn't assessing the upstream attenuation, or is failing to include it in the Status data?

3. I notice also that your Interleave Depth for Downstream is 4. Who or what set it to 4? As you may know, the depth would have a bearing on the speed of the connection and on the error rate.

Notwithstanding your satisfaction with 2.52.d3 for the 8900-AX2400, as run on your particular setup, others are apparently having various problems. For example, John21 has been experiencing an issue with VPN.

Re: The Latest Firmware 2.52.d3 Very Happy

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:00 pm
by Radiocrazy
Well I'm now 16 days 16 hours.
My line actually leaves the house and goes away from where my cabinet is which is 3 streets away, looking at the BT direct path it shows 0.4km to cabinet, but I can’t see that as like I said the line actually goes away from the cabinet.
I will admit I don’t get any noise on a quite line test.
The reason the upload looks strange is because talktalk cap there upload speed for some unknown reason, they don’t like me using that terminology but that’s what it is.
My ADSL speed was 3.5mb down and 1m up.
I don’t use VPN so can’t comment.

Re: The Latest Firmware 2.52.d3 Very Happy

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:55 am
by mawheele
Overall agree with the reliability of the new firmware.

I also have the attenuation (dB) on the upstream saying 0.0. Is that a bug?

The only other issue I'm seeing is asking the Router to default to the IPV6 service versus V4. I have set everything up as per instructions from this Forum and I can see I'm getting a dual stack, but DNS resolves with V4 and I'm not sure how to effectively switch them off.

Re: The Latest Firmware 2.52.d3 Very Happy

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:43 am
by gatekeeper
Yes, I'm sure Radiocrazy's got it wrong: the modem part of the 8900 ought to be producing and showing a figure for the Upstream attenuation, so in that regard the 8900 is failing to show a fairly basic and quite important line attribute. Quite clearly, the firmware needs correcting for that. One wonders what other, less-obvious line quantities are not being assessed by the 8900. Radiocrazy seems to think that the upstream attenuation is zero because of some limitation imposed by his/her ISP, but attenuation is simply a physical property of the copper line and fibre line to the exchange and is frequency (speed) dependent; it's got nothing whatsoever to do with how the ISP manages a customer's account.

As for IPv4 and IPv6, my understanding is that currently only a relative few ISPs are implementing IPv6, so mawheele you may well have configured your 8900 properly to accommodate it but are failing to get it simply because your ISP's service doesn't support it at present. In such circumstances, the router will default to IPv4.

Re: The Latest Firmware 2.52.d3 Very Happy

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:19 am
by billion_fan
gatekeeper wrote:Yes, I'm sure Radiocrazy's got it wrong: the modem part of the 8900 ought to be producing and showing a figure for the Upstream attenuation, so in that regard the 8900 is failing to show a fairly basic and quite important line attribute. Quite clearly, the firmware needs correcting for that. One wonders what other, less-obvious line quantities are not being assessed by the 8900. Radiocrazy seems to think that the upstream attenuation is zero because of some limitation imposed by his/her ISP, but attenuation is simply a physical property of the copper line and fibre line to the exchange and is frequency (speed) dependent; it's got nothing whatsoever to do with how the ISP manages a customer's account.

As for IPv4 and IPv6, my understanding is that currently only a relative few ISPs are implementing IPv6, so mawheele you may well have configured your 8900 properly to accommodate it but are failing to get it simply because your ISP's service doesn't support it at present. In such circumstances, the router will default to IPv4.
My BT Home Hub 6 also does not show the Line Attenuation for the upstream, its a Broadcom issue, it does not effect performance or stability, (it will show when using a ADSL connection)

On a side note, my Bipac 8900AX-2400 is showing 47 days uptime